When renting your property you have the right to ask for any amount of security deposits, pet deposits, credit checks and references. If you fail to deliver any of these things the property owner has the right to go to the court and file for an eviction.A property owner can be held responsible for anything wrong with the property and will have to fix any problems that the property may have.
As a property owner you have the right to do what you want on your property as long as you aren’t violating any codes or ordinances in your state, or county. You have the right to have over whoever you want to. Property owner’s can have pets and children or roommates if they choose to.
When you own a property you have the rights to the land, houses, buildings, fixtures and trees extending down from the core of the earth through the airspace. A landlord is the owner of real property they give up that right when a tenant agrees to pay for the use of real property. The landlord has the right to collect the agreed-upon rent in the lease, and they also have the right to regain possession of the property in a good condition at the end of any lease. Landlords have the right to make limitations by state statutes and any local ordinances to evict any tenant for not paying rent, illegal use to the property and any violations of the lease terms. A landlord has the right to terminate a lease if the tenant violates the lease by excessive noise, disturbing other tenants, or using a residence as a business.
2 years ago
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