1 T-Film tampering
2 C-Reefer
3 T-False advertising
4 T-ILLEGAL Gambling
5 C-Threats
6 C-Destruction of property
7 C-Assault
8 C-Drinking on the job
9 C-Lying under oath
10 C-Payoff witnesses
11 C-Bribery
12 C-Driving without a license
13 C-Sexual harassment
14 C-Jaywalking
15 C-Speeding
16 C-Reckless driving
17 C-No seatbelts
18 C-Assault with a deadly weapon
19 C-Hit and run
20 T-Not smogged
21 C-Sold a non working car
22 C-Off roading
23 C-Concealed weapon
24 C-Car surfing
25 C-Illegal passing
26 C-Tailgating
27 C-Underage driving
28 C-No insurance
29 T-Looking at private documents
30 C-Attempted murder
My group members were- Myself, Britney Pauto, Seth Payanouvong, Rick Quemado
1 year ago