Thursday, April 23, 2009

reply to blog number 2

I have to say I agree with a little bit of what you’re saying but I don’t understand how can you say that the law shouldn’t focus as ‘much’ on alcohol and drugs and stuff, instead focus on murder, violence, robbery, etc. The deal is, that’s where most of it begins! These murderers, robbers, wife-beaters, etc. are usually acting like this due to addictions to drugs and alcohol. I don’t think it’s really that easy to say where we should focus on one bad thing more than another. If we want this country to be peaceful and have order I think the government has to worry about making sure there is a healthy balance on all crime. As far as celebrities getting away with everything they do, I agree- it’s B.S. any normal person pullin those stunts would get in much more trouble.
April 23, 2009 4:03 PM

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