Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crimes and Torts

1 T-Film tampering
2 C-Reefer
3 T-False advertising
4 T-ILLEGAL Gambling
5 C-Threats
6 C-Destruction of property
7 C-Assault
8 C-Drinking on the job
9 C-Lying under oath
10 C-Payoff witnesses
11 C-Bribery
12 C-Driving without a license
13 C-Sexual harassment
14 C-Jaywalking
15 C-Speeding
16 C-Reckless driving
17 C-No seatbelts
18 C-Assault with a deadly weapon
19 C-Hit and run
20 T-Not smogged
21 C-Sold a non working car
22 C-Off roading
23 C-Concealed weapon
24 C-Car surfing
25 C-Illegal passing
26 C-Tailgating
27 C-Underage driving
28 C-No insurance
29 T-Looking at private documents
30 C-Attempted murder

My group members were- Myself, Britney Pauto, Seth Payanouvong, Rick Quemado

Thursday, April 23, 2009

reply to blog number 2

I have to say I agree with a little bit of what you’re saying but I don’t understand how can you say that the law shouldn’t focus as ‘much’ on alcohol and drugs and stuff, instead focus on murder, violence, robbery, etc. The deal is, that’s where most of it begins! These murderers, robbers, wife-beaters, etc. are usually acting like this due to addictions to drugs and alcohol. I don’t think it’s really that easy to say where we should focus on one bad thing more than another. If we want this country to be peaceful and have order I think the government has to worry about making sure there is a healthy balance on all crime. As far as celebrities getting away with everything they do, I agree- it’s B.S. any normal person pullin those stunts would get in much more trouble.
April 23, 2009 4:03 PM

reply to classmates blog 1

I agree. I think that the law creates a sense of protection, yet a sense of fear. They try to uphold order and keep peace yet there are corrupt instances where they will do whatever it takes to complete that task, be it right or wrong. We are told to respect and appreciate our system yet this blogger has a great point- why do normal, well behaved citizens get nervous when police come around when they’ve done nothing wrong? All the horror stories? All the times other law abiding friends have said he pulled me over when I wasn’t even doing anything?! With power comes corruption. I’m not familiar with any law abiding country that doesn’t have that problem. I guess it all just comes down to trying to keep a good safe, balance on it all.
April 23, 2009 3:46 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I think about the law..

I feel both protected yet unsafe by the law here in the U.S.

I know in general, if somebody does wrong to me, I am protected and can take action against them. I know that there are policeman on our streets making sure things are safe and in order. I appreciate that there are rules and regulations that must be followed throughout this country to maintain and uphold a standard that has made this country what it is today. I am thankful I have freedom and can pursue my American dream. I am glad that this country takes pride in having a law and allowing its citizens to be involved.

On the other side, I know that for every year I get older and become more aware of news headlines, see more documentaries, and have intelligent conversations about what’s going on around me, I learn how corrupt the law can be. Just the other day I was in my communications class watching a clip from 60 minutes on how 2 lawyers had information about a man wrongly accused of a crime, who was sentenced to 30 years behind bars, yet couldn’t speak up because it conflicted with their current clients protection. A man had to sit in jail for years and years while these two lawyers had a man sitting in their office admitting to the crime. That’s insane to me.I know there is also much more going on then I or you will ever know with the corrupt side of the law, but for now that’s what’s up.